Thursday, 6 March 2008


Had a nice day. May have to rewrite term paper. Oh, sorry, didn't have a nice day. *fumes*

But no, apart from the fact that I'll have to do massive editing, which I suck at, the day wasn't bad. Not half as good as yesterday, when we rough-housed with Neelu and Lav, but not bad. Horace is a blast, as is P.C, teaching it. Actually found cricket vaguely interesting for the first time ever. So, yeah, not a bad day. Specially since we got to rib Lav about his (possibly non-existent) girlfriend.

However, must rewrite term paper. What's the point of doing it early if I must do it again? *fumes some more*


Magically Bored said...

Haha yes!!! The woman-handling of Lav and Neelu was an unforgettable experience! *rolls on the ground with laughter*

Anonymous said...

**Ahem** You're lucky we are chivalrous men who do not raise our hands against weak and delicate ladies.

Rhea Silvia said...

But of course, Neelu m'dear. We're so glad chivalry is still alive.

Magically Bored said...

@ The Randomly Insane: The last time I checked, I wasn't weak and delicate- neither is Rhea! Put your fists up! We could beat you both to pulp anyday! *grin*

Anonymous said...

I do not deny that the five of you could beat us up. I am just drawing it to your attention that, the only reason you could beat us up is because we would not raise a finger to defend ourselves. We might unintentionally injure one(or all) of you.

Rhea Silvia said...

True that.

Yes, dear. Of course you could. We are most grateful for your consideration. Truly.

Magically Bored said...

@ The Randomly Insane: Oh come on! Admit it- we would win anyday.. See, we are giving you permission to retaliate!

Rhea Silvia said...

Hate to say this, but are you sure?

Anonymous said...

We would rather let you live in a delusional state than injure you.

Rhea Silvia said...

@ the randomly insane,
Yes, yes, very kind of you. Bugger off. I'm getting tired of faking sincerity.