Sunday, 8 June 2008


I'm supposed to be typing an article, but must post about yesterday.

Yesterday was lunch at Rukmini's:

There were sixteen of us, including Ruki:

It was a pot-luck lunch (with far more food, most of us thought, than could be consumed; fair bit more than you can see in the pic, actually):

Lav Kanoi dropped in after lunch, but no one could get a snap and this is an also-bad one from another day (and place):

Afterwards, we sat around talking:

And playing dumb-charades:

And watching a film Sandy had brought:

Well, erm...technically:

And then there was cold coffee and cake and ice-cream and complete inability to have dinner. :)

(All pics courtesy Rukmini and Tuna)


rukmini said...

Hahaha. Brilliant, brilliant. ;)

Bone said...

ki phillum dekhli?

Rhea Silvia said...

"Beer Fest". Ami purota dekhini.

storyteller said...

uber nice post!yayness to everyone :D