Have just sent junior lots of books. Am surprised at benevolence. And, if you want them, please say so in the comments. I have soft copies of:
The Dark Materials Trilogy.
Brokeback Mountain.
most of Mary Renault.
all of Pratchett.
Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series.
I'll be adding to this list, and I'll post updates, assuming anybody wants them.
All but the first. Pliss. Pretty pliss.
ok. e-mail de.
erm... sorry. i have your mail id, of course. *cringes*
i want all of pratchett!! pleeezzz!!! tracykol3@gmail.com
paathiye de plz. *pussinbootseyes*
and then the same Pussinboots GRRRR is it Jadis? :P
Yuss yuss....Me wants Pratchett!!!!! Aribbas! you have all of them? *wink*
PLISSSS???? *makes puppylike face*
will send.
I meant the mild eyes, then the sudden grring attack like the one in Shrek
Pratchett. Mary Renault.:)
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