Wednesday 19 May 2010


This blog, as you can see if you so choose to, has been inactive oh these very many months, and it feels a little futile to write this post. But it feels stupid to not write it, too, since all those troubles (and excessive reactions) were lo these many months ago, and the past is another country, and besides the wench... er, has been made amends with.

Anyway, all that said and read, tomorrow is the beginning of my last finals for the undergrads, and there is (one hopes) a very real possibility of it being my last JUDE finals. Which is not to say I did not make a hash-job of my JNU entrance-exam, because I did, but I'm hoping EFLU goes a little bit better. Hell, I'm hoping it goes better than these finals so near-approaching, since I've studied just about nothing, and can't really make myself care.

It's not that the courses suck. Okay, IWE sucks, but that's just one paper, I rather like everything else, even Criticism, though Saussure remains impossible to understand. I just can't stand being here any longer, and yet. And yet it isn't the must-leave-Calcutta fever that's seized some of my friends, it's not even entirely a must-leave-JU thing. Perhaps it's that IX-X, and then XI-XII got me used to the two-year-then-gap system. Certainly UG-III has been dragging from the very start, despite the brilliant courses I've been taught.

Maybe it is simply time to move on, past time to move on. Maybe all this yearning will amount to nothing and I will stay here another two years. I hope not, I really don't want to have to study PoCo ever again, but hoping might well be futile.

But hope springs eternal.


Shree said...

'very many months' noe, 'years'.

Baje meye, chhere chole jabi. *sobs and comments*

Rhea Silvia said...

aage payi.

well, it's not been quite two years, yet. october 2008.