It is unfair to be made to feel out-of-place/superfluous/unwanted in a place you love, which you've proven yourself integrally a part of, which it would hurt you to leave.
But it is, perhaps, a reminder of the fact that it hasn't been all good, even when you're all brimming with nostalgia and bedecked with rose-tinted glasses/binoculars/telescopes/magnifying-glasses/what-have-you.
Yes, you still love the people you loved one/two/three/five years ago; it still feels amazing to be remembered.
Thirty-wo 'I'm' texts need not be from teeth.
Sophi. mashimas attempting to flirt is creepy as hell.
Bawal chai, bawal dao.
Aristotle was a blind man/scientist who invented the periodic table/Greek all-rounder.
...and Sukumar Roy was a "kid-lover". Uff, ki brilliant piece of writing; would love to read that answer script! :D
who wrote kid-poetry, let us not forget.
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