Friday, 4 April 2008

Of Term Papers and Tests

*looks around blog* This is nice, innit? Fits better than the last one, I think. What d'you all say?

My Lit. and the other Arts Term Paper is effing huge. But I really like my topic and everyone else's. Mandy is doing it on mythology in graphic novels; Moplah is doing it on the film 'The Graduate' and its songs; Sucheta is doing it on, what else, a Ray film, mostly, I think, because she's in luurve with the protagonist. Princess is doing it on the hero/anti-hero in Marjane Satrapi's character in 'Persepolis'. Nilanjana is doing her paper on racial stereotypes in Disney, 'Alladin' as focus. Neelu is doing it on Iron Maiden. Not sure what Tumpa's is about, or Tumpi's. Lav... the less said the better.

We're an interesting bunch of people. Or not.

P.S. Anway wanted to do it on compression of time in the comic book, but I believe he has been discouraged. I'm sad. I wanted to know his theories about why Bruce Wayne never grows old, thiugh the Robins grow up.

Speaking of Bruce Wayne, Rimidi gave a killer test. Which I will fail in, but that's not the point. We had to footnote/ prepare bibliographies of books written by Bruce Wayne and Lucy S. Diamond, among other, equally bizarre authors.


CheshireCat said...

me likes the new template.
fits like a glove.

Anonymous said...

X2 is doing it on Apocalypse Now By finance ford coppola. :P

Rhea Silvia said...

@the soliloquist,
Thanks. Thought it did. Better than the 'Harbor' one, definitely. Better than the black one?

@the randomly insane,
Ah. Indeed. BTW, why call Tumpi X2?

Anonymous said...

I am Mr.X, Somdev is Mr.X1 and Arindam is well either Ms.X2 or Mr.X2 or just X2.

and it's not X. It's *click*. like *click*khusa.

Rhea Silvia said...

erm...yeah, okay.

cyber monkey said...

pliss to rave!! haahaa!

love the new template!

Rhea Silvia said...

erm...'Pliss to rave' was there on the last template as well, m'dear. Thanks anyway.