Sunday, 21 September 2008


I went shopping today.

And my folks dropped me off, which meant I was wandering around Gariahat from 10:40 to 11:00.

Pretty early, I guess, for a Sunday morning.

Saw Gariahat, all shops in disarray, preparations still ongoing.

Glittery, cheap shoes being hung up.

Clothes being pulled out of gunny and plastic sacks.

A boy resting his hand on a neat file of glass bangles.

Men energetically hefting bags and bales of stuff.

A chai-walla hurrying past, huge packet of biscuits on top of his kettle-holder.

Metal flowers being hung up in 'jewelry' shops.

Real fruits, and flowers and twisted, colourful plants on bright blue tarps.

A rather mucky little girl tugging on her mother's saree.

Jute bags being pulled out of larger jute bags and staked in rows.

The Gariahat rings half-full of faded, empty hangers, awaiting clothes.

An officious-looking young man preparing his demo.

I've never seen Gariahat like that-unprepared.

Strange and somewhat unsettling.

Like a circus clown in his dress, without his makeup.

Or, perhaps more apt, a conjurer stuffing the cards and doves and coloured hankerchiefs in place, waiting for the curtains to rise.


Reeti said...

:) Kaleidoscope? :D

Rhea Silvia said...

more a collage, i think. camera nei amar. *sigh* dammit, i need a camera.

Anonymous said...

I have seen this scene. Every morning around 11-ish, or sometimes earlier than that.
I really like the setting up, though and the taking down, around 8.30- ish.
Good post.

The Soliloquist.

Rhea Silvia said...

I hadn't, before. But then, you do the shopping thing a lot more. ;)

Magically Bored said...

Oh yes, Princess goes shopping like, everyday, practically! :P

Shree said...

I *love* this post. Prolly one of my favourite posts I think, on your blog :)
and yes, amaro camera nei. Thakle oboshwo aar onno kono kaaj hobe na, tai na? Chol arekdin berobo and we'll have that fruit juice again :D

Anonymous said...

Verrry nice. A couple of us ickles are heading to Gariahat tomorrow, though we'll be timing it for later in the afternoon. I think it'd be interesting to see the early-morning scene, though.

You are the slash reader/writer, yes, yes? I must introduce you to yaoi.

CheshireCat said...

yes,Tuna, this from the person who waded ankle-length shitty water to meet her mum for shopping at South city. :P

Rhea Silvia said...

ok. let me introduce you to some of what I write, first:

@tuna and the soliloquist,
you both shop. we all shop. some more than others, but that we already knew. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh. Lovely. Absolutely lovely. You have the art of fanfiction down pat. :D

I prefer roleplay to fanfiction, but I do have an account on the Pit of Voles. Sadly, everything on it is childish stuff written back in '06. I'm currently training myself to write more gratituous slash. It's an educative process. :p

Rhea Silvia said...

thank you. I'm raher afraid of the Pit of Voles, I must admit. But I'd be very happy if you'd give me any of your fic.